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Can’t-miss Northeastern events in May

campus during spring

From Commencement celebrations to the future of healthcare, here are some must-see events this month.

Written by Joe O’Connell for News at Northeastern

Keepin’ It Cool

This laid back weekly series offers free ice cream, nov­el­ties, and tunes for those on campus during the summer months. No reg­is­tra­tion is required. It will kick off on Wednesday, May 11, at 11:45 a.m. on Cen­ten­nial Common and con­tinue through August.

In the event of rain, Keepin’ It Cool moves to afterHOURS.

Women who Empower: The Future of Healthcare

Ellen Zane, the recently retired pres­i­dent and CEO of Tufts Med­ical Center, will dis­cuss the future of health­care at the latest Women who Empower event.

The event, which includes net­working and a light supper, will take place on Tuesday, May 17, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the Alumni Center. Reg­ister here.

Women in the Law conference

The North­eastern Uni­ver­sity School of Law’s eighth annual Women in the Law con­fer­ence pro­vides career devel­op­ment and guid­ance for female attor­neys and other working professionals.

The theme of this year’s con­fer­ence is “Moving Moun­tains” and will fea­ture a keynote address by Dana Fabe, NUSL’76, chief jus­tice of the Alaska Supreme Court. There will also be panel dis­cus­sions and breakout ses­sions on topics such as social media pres­ence and public-private partnerships.

This all-day con­fer­ence on Friday, May, 20, begins at 8:30 a.m. in Dockser Hall. Reg­ister here.

Minds over Matters

NUterm’s fac­ulty speaker series kicks off on Wednesday, May 25, and will fea­ture pre­sen­ta­tion throughout the summer from top scholar fac­ulty at North­eastern. Thomas Vicino, asso­ciate pro­fessor of polit­ical Sci­ence, public policy and urban affairs, will talk at 5:30 p.m. on May 25 in 105 Shillman Hall about the evo­lu­tion of met­ro­pol­itan devel­op­ment in the U.S.

Post-season for Athletics

As Northeastern’s spring sports season winds down, the Huskies will have their sights set on the con­fer­ence play­offs and beyond.

The men’s and women’s track and field teams will head to Elon, North Car­olina, this weekend to com­pete in the Colo­nial Ath­letic Asso­ci­a­tion cham­pi­onship meet. The men’s team is the defending champion.

Women’s rowing will look to win its fifth title in six years at the CAA cham­pi­onships on Sunday, May 15, in West Windsor, New Jersey, while the men’s rowing team will travel down the Mass Pike to Worcester, Mass­a­chu­setts, to row in the Eastern Sprints that same day.

And base­ball, cur­rently fourth in the CAA stand­ings, will play league foe Towson in a three-game series at Friedman Dia­mond May 19–21. The team will then play in its con­fer­ence tour­na­ment starting Wednesday, May 25, in South Car­olina, at the Col­lege of Charleston.

Visit for infor­ma­tion about livestream’s for each contest.

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