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#CapturingCommunity: Mollie McEvoy

Mollie McEnvoy

Mollie McEnvoy is #CapturingCommunty through her service learning work as a Service Learning Teaching Assistant

Service-Learning (S-L) is a form of experiential learning for students and a teaching tool for faculty that purposefully integrates academics and service or community-engaged projects to meet classroom and community goals throughout the semester. As part of their coursework, students partner with community-based organizations, non-profit organizations, and government agencies as a way to learn the course material.

Here is one of our influential community members who is part of the #CapturingCommunity series.

Name: Mollie McEvoy

Roles in Service-Learning: Service-Learning Teaching Assistant. Service-Learning Team Manager

Major: Human Services, with a concentration in Family and Child Services

What is one thing everyone should know about Service-Learning?

Service-Learning is for everyone! When I first started taking Service-Learning classes I thought they only existed in my major. However I soon learned that S-L was everywhere, even in courses like engineering or writing! This shows me that no matter what you are doing, you always can, and should, collaborate with your community.

Did you find Service-Learning or did Service-Learning find you?

Service-Learning definitely found me, but I also never let go of it! I had my first S-L class in my second semester of freshman year where I volunteered with the Boys and Girls Club. After such a great experience I applied to be an S-LTA for the next semester while also signing up for three S-L classes at the same time! Now I’m still a S-LTA and just joined the team as a Team Manager for other S-LTAs!

What is your favorite memory of Service-Learning?

My favorite memory in Service-Learning was last year when I worked with USES. I volunteered in the late afternoon on Fridays and I was pretty worn down from the week whenever I headed over. However, the kids and staff that I worked with were so fantastic and welcoming that I always immediately forgot whatever was making me tired and left in very high spirits. That was through my Child Intervention & Treatment course and working with those kids and watching their growth helped me to solidify my major’s concentration of Family and Child Services!

If Service-Learning were a color, what would it be and why?

Yellow! It is very bright and welcoming and has always been such a positive experience for me!

Taken from: S-Log at NU

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