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Conversations: Media, Communities & Building Bridges

Join us for a conference featuring a broad range of award-winning journalists, innovative scholars and practitioners

Date: 3/31/2017

Time: 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Location: Raytheon Amphitheater (120 Forsyth Street Boston, MA 02116)
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Conversations: Media, Communities & Building Bridges
Media innovation in an era of fragmented communities

Join us for a conference featuring a broad range of award-winning journalists, innovative scholars and practitioners. The day will focus on the role of media in times of fragmentation and the creation of new tools & frameworks to promote civil discourse.

Information is being consumed by the public in increasingly diverse ways, and as the definition of news continues to evolve, communication itself is being reshaped by developing cultural trends and emerging technology. Within this ever-changing environment, the media has a unique capacity to drive fact-based storytelling by leveraging the art and the science of communication.

This conference will explore the tools, contexts and constituencies that the media can use to promote civil discussion about the pressing issues facing our fragmented society. We will explore methods of effectively bridging technology, data analytics, information visualization and public engagement to present the news to multifaceted audiences and investigate the obstacles to communicating across the divide.

Organized by Matthew Carroll, Professor of the Practice, Northeastern School of Journalism. Previously Carroll ran the Knight Foundation-funded Future of News initiative at the MIT Media Lab, where he organized conferences on thorny issues confronting journalism and worked with students to help create tools for newsrooms.

Schedule of Events

9:30AM – Registration & Coffee

10:00AM – Welcome
Dean Elizabeth Hudson & Jonathan Kaufman

10:15AM – True listening beyond the data:  Making sure we hear and understand the people behind the numbers
Presenters: Andrew Heyward, David Lazer, Brooke Foucault WellesModerated by Matt Carroll

11:45AM – How to foster reasoned public dialogue on issues of diversity & difference
Presenters: Jeff Howe, Sydette Harry, Mary Meehan
Moderated by John Wihbey

1:00PM – Lunch

2:00PM – Preparing journalists to “co-create”: Working with the communities they serve in reporting the news
Presenters: Ellen Cushman, Alessandra Renzi, Sangita Shrestova
Moderated by Sam Ford

 3:30PM –Are we hard-wired for hard conversations? Navigating the cultural and neurobiological obstacles to communicating across difference
Presenters: Gordana Rabrenovic, Tim Phillips
Moderated by Rebecca Riccio

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