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CSSH Peer Mentors

Learn about an opportunity to mentor younger students within the College of Social Sciences and Humanities!

What Are the Goals of the CSSH Peer Mentoring Program?

Located within academic units, CSSH Peer Mentors are upperclass students who work with incoming students within their majors. Each program/department’s peer mentoring program looks a bit different, but the goals for each of them are the same:

  1. Helping first-year students and transfer students feel connected to their programs/departments
  2. Providing peer support during a student’s first and second semester on campus
  3. Easing new students’ transition to college/Northeastern life through peer guidance
  4. Introducing and helping new students navigate opportunities on campus and in Boston
  5. Building a CSSH community that spans across class levels (from 1st to 2nd to 3rd to 4th to 5th years)
  6. Providing examples of curricular, extracurricular, and experiential learning pathways by sharing stories of lived experiences

Who Are the Peer Mentors?

Select a major from the sub-menu to meet their fall 2017 peer mentors. These students applied to the program in April on their own accord or at the recommendation of their academic advisor, co-op coordinator, or program/department faculty. A faculty member in each program/department ultimately confirmed their acceptance into the peer mentoring program.

What Are the Expectations of the Peer Mentors?

As a peer mentor, you will be expected to do the following for an assigned group of incoming students who share a major with you that are starting at Northeastern in the spring 2018 semester:

Winter 2018

  • Optional opportunity to meet and interact with incoming students during their January Orientation session (more information and sign-ups will be emailed in mid-December)

Spring 2018

  1. Attend mandatory college-wide peer mentor training held the evening of January 10th from 6:00-7:30pm
  2. Attend the Dean’s Welcome Lunch for new students if your schedule permits on January 10th from noon-1:00pm
  3. Attend INSH1000 Social Sciences & Humanities at Northeastern when invited by the instructor if your schedule permits (Tuesdays or Fridays, 11:45am-1:25pm)
  4. Invite and accompany your mentees to the CSSH Undergraduate Research Forum if your schedule permits (day/time TBD in March)
  5. Invite and accompany your mentees to one CSSH affiliated student club/organization/publication meeting or event before late February
  6. Invite and accompany your mentees to at least one CSSH event and one university-wide event throughout the spring term
  7. Pass along information about events to your mentees, trying to accompany them when possible (examples: lectures, fairs, etc)
  8. Check-in with mentees individually or as a group every two weeks via in-person meeting, text, or email
  9. Optional opportunities to meet and interact with undeclared majors or students switching from another major

Fall 2018

  • Whether graduating after the spring, going on co-op in fall, studying abroad in fall, or taking classes in fall, we hope spring peer mentors can maintain connection with their mentees by checking in with them every three weeks via in-person meeting, text, or email during the fall 2018 semester. We also hope they can invite and accompany students to the CSSH Experiential Liberal Arts Photo Contest traditionally held in late September.

How Can I Be a Peer Mentor in the Future?

Applications for spring 2018 CSSH Peer Mentors are open until 11:59pm EST on Sunday, December 3rd! Applications for fall 2018 CSSH Peer Mentors will open in mid-April 2018.

Who Do I Contact If I Have Questions?

If you have any questions about the CSSH Peer Mentoring program or application please email Eric Winter at

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