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DOC London – First Impressions- Roxanne Anderson & Chrissy Beluk


Roxanne Anderson, a student in the Human Services Program, and Chrissy Beluk, who is majoring in Sociology and Human Services, are currently on a Dialogue of Civilizations in England. Here, they recount their first days in London.

By Roxanne Anderson: I am on this dialogue as a Human Services student, excited to engage in work at a London nonprofit and enjoy this beautiful city! I have never been to London before, but the past few days have been a whirlwind of fun, exhaustion, and new cultures. The first day we arrived we had a proper English pub dinner (I got fish & chips), and rode the tube for the first time. Coming from Boston—a city that after three years I feel comfortable calling home—I wasn’t expecting much of a culture shock, but small things have really surprised me…

By Chrissy Beluk: Hey there! My name is Chrissy and I am a soon to be graduate of Northeastern! This May, I “graduated” with a B.S. in Sociology & Human Services, and a minor in Women Gender and Sexuality studies. But if we want to get technical, I’ll actually graduate in August, after this dialogue. Of all the amazing experiences I’ve had throughout my time at Northeastern, I really value the international ones. From studying abroad at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland, completing an international co-op at the social enterprise Greenpop in Cape Town, South Africa, and now interning and writing my senior capstone in London, I love being immersed in new cultures and have gained so much from working and learning in them…

Read their full blog post here.

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