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Faculty Senate Passes Climate Justice Action Resolution

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11/07/16 - BOSTON, MA. - Students walk though Centennial Common as the leaves change color on Nov. 7, 2016. Photo by Matthew Modoono/Northeastern University
Photo of student silhouettes walking around campus on a brick path at fall with yellow and orange leaves in front of Ruggles station.

In April 2021, the Northeastern Faculty Senate passed a resolution advancing the university’s commitment to demonstrating leadership in climate justice action. The initiative combines Northeastern’s strength in sustainability and resilience with the university’s engagement in racial and social justice to support climate change through community engagement.

The resolution resulted from the work of the Climate Justice Action Planning Committee that involved members of faculty and faculty affiliates within the School of Public Policy and Urban Affairs. The committee includes Professors Ted Landsmark, Joan Fitzgerald, Auroop Ganguly, Rebecca Riccio, Brian Helmuth, Kelsey Pieper, and Jennie Stephens. The committee’s presentation to the faculty senate is available online.

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