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Fall 2017 CSSH Peer Mentor Application

Apply to be a CSSH peer mentor during the Fall 2017 semester!

Peer Mentor Expectations:

As a peer mentor, you will be expected to do the following for 4-8 incoming students who are starting at Northeastern in the fall 2017 semester:

Summer 2017

  • Optional opportunities to meet and interact with incoming students during a June, July, and/or August Orientation session (more information and sign-ups will be emailed in May)

Fall 2017

  1. Attend mandatory college-wide peer mentor training held the morning of September 5th
  2. Attend “Welcome Week” program/department breakout session held the afternoon of September 5th
  3. Attend program/department 1000 course when invited by the instructor (the day/time of this course is listed in the application below)
  4. Invite and accompany your mentees to the “Experiential Liberal Arts Photo Contest” reception held the afternoon of September 21st
  5. Invite and accompany your mentees to one CSSH affiliated student club/organization meeting or event before late October
  6. Invite and accompany your mentees to at least one CSSH event and one university-wide event throughout the fall term (CSSH alumni engagement events are highly encouraged)
  7. Pass along information about events to your mentees, trying to accompany them when possible (examples: lectures, fairs, etc)
  8. Check-in with mentees individually or as a group every two weeks via in-person meeting, text, or email
  9. Optional opportunities to meet and interact with undeclared majors or students switching from another major

Spring 2018

  • Whether graduating after the fall, going on co-op in spring, studying abroad in spring, or taking classes in spring, we hope fall peer mentors can maintain connection with their mentees by checking in with them every three weeks via in-person meeting, text, or email. We also hope they can invite and accompany students to the CSSH Research Forum traditionally held in late March.

To apply click here.

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