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HSO Meeting

volunteering matters logo with purple and green arrows

Date: 10/13/2016

Time: 7:15 p.m.

Location: 342 Curry Student Center

Next Meeting:

Our next meeting will be this Thursday October 13th at 7:15 in 342 Curry Student Center! At this meeting we will have Kevin Crowley, the volunteer coordinator from the Carter School to discuss the volunteer opportunities available at their school. Kayla Dunbar from EPIC will also be joining us to talk about our upcoming Boston Serve event in November.

Volunteer Opportunities:
Prison Book Program: 
Join us at Prison Book Program this Saturday October 15th from 1-4. We will be reading prisoners’ book requests, selecting books from the organization’s bookstore and packaging the books up to send to prisoners. This is an excellent opportunity to help those that have made a mistake and lead them on the right track. To sign up click here.

New England Center and Home for Veterans: 
HSO will be serving breakfast to Veterans. This is an incredible opportunity where you get to serve those that have risked their lives to serve you. This will take place on October 23rd from 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Sign up here if you want to give back to those who have risked so much asking nothing in return.

Boston Serve: 
This is a unique opportunity for you help paint a Boston Public School under the leadership of a youth with a disability. You will have a direct impact on the school and also help in raising funds to continue the program of leadership training for these students. This will take place on Saturday November 5th, 2016 from 10-4. Join the HSO team by clicking here.

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