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No HSO meeting this week!

There will be NO MEETING this week. Our next meeting will be our ableism workshop on Thursday, February 16th. (RSVP below so we know how much food to order 🙂 We also have some volunteer opportunities coming up that you can check out and sign up for. We’ll see you next week!

Volunteer Opportunities:
New England Center and Home for Veterans:
We have another opportunity for you to serve veterans. If you’d like to help those that have served you and give back to the people that have given everything they have for your safety, click here! We’ll be serving dinner to veterans Sunday, February 12th from 3:45-4:45pm.
Prison Book Program:
Are you looking to better yourself by helping those in need? Then volunteer with Prison Book Club where you can help send books to prisoners. We will be volunteering at the Prison Book Program on Saturday, February 18th 1-4pm, helping pick out books based on people’s requests, doing inventory of books and invoices, and then packaging them off to be sent! Please sign up here.Upcoming Events:
Ableism Workshop
At our next meeting (February 16th), we will be holding an ableism workshop. This workshop will help us to become aware of and address the issues that people with disabilities face. Please RSVP here. There will be pizza!
Relay for Life
Do you need a team for Relay for Life? Join HSO’s Relay for Life team. This event takes place on Friday, March 24th at 6pm. It’s lots of fun and you don’t want to miss it! You can join our team by clicking here.

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