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Northeastern Students Earn Fellowships to Advance UN Sustainable Development Goals

11/07/16 - BOSTON, MA. - Students walk though Centennial Common as the leaves change color on Nov. 7, 2016. Photo by Matthew Modoono/Northeastern University
Photo of student silhouettes walking around campus on a brick path at fall with yellow and orange leaves in front of Ruggles station.

Twenty Northeastern students have been named recipients of a global fellowship program

The 2018 Millennium Fellows were announced Wednesday. The fellowship is a semester-long leadership development program that is the result of a partnership between the Millennium Campus Network and the United Nations Academic Impact initiative.

Northeastern’s Social Impact Lab will work closely with the university’s Millennium Fellows to provide workshops and events that align with their goals and the fellowship’s mission.

Special congratulations to the two Human Services majors Margaret Lytte and Miranda Martone.

Read more here.

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