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Save the Date! Winter 2017 Daynard Public Interest Visiting Fellow

Flyer entitled: Winter 2017 Daynard Public Interest Visiting Fellow. Nancy Hollander, Attorney, Freedman Boyd Hollander Goldberg Urias & Ward. Flyer description. Community lecture: Monday January 30, 2017, noon. How to serve the public interest and make a real different while making a living in private practice: For Guantanamo to the Supreme Court. Roundtable: Wednesday, February 1, 2017, noon. Why we need a free society and a free press to protect whistleblowers. Participants: Evan Greer (Founder & Co-Director, Fight for the Future), The Honorable Nancy Gertner (Senior Lecturer on Law, Harvard Law School; Judge, US District Court for the District of Massachusetts- retired), Matthew Segal (Legal Director, American Civil Liberties Union -ACLU of Massachusetts. Moderator. Daniela Medwed (Professor of Law and Criminal Justice, Northeastern University School of Law. Boston Events will be held in 240 Dockser Hal. The Daynard Public Interest Visiting Fellows Program brings distinguished public interest practitioners to campus each academic ear for a three-day visit. The fellows serve as role models for students, demonstrating how legal skills can be used effectively and creatively to make the world a better place. This vibrant program was established in 2004 through the generosity of Professor Richard A. Daynard, president to the law school’s Public Health Advocacy Institute, and his wife, Carol Iskols Daynard. Northeastern University School of Law. Image description: Red and black text on a blue background. Headshot of Nancy hollander wearing a black blazer on a white background.

A community lecture and roundtable discussion on civil rights and criminal justice

More Information:

Nancy Hollander
Attorney, Freedman Boyd Hollander Goldberg Urias & Ward

Nancy Hollander is an internationally recognized criminal defense lawyer. She has practiced with Freedman Boyd Hollander Goldberg Urias & Ward in Albuquerque, New Mexico, since 1980 and has been a partner since 1983. Her practice is largely devoted to representing individuals and organizations accused of crimes, including those involving national security issues. She currently represents a prisoner at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base and is lead appellate counsel for Chelsea Manning in the military appellate courts.

Ms. Hollander has also been counsel in numerous civil cases, forfeitures and administrative hearings, and has argued and won a case involving religious freedom in the US Supreme Court. She has taught in numerous trial practice programs, including the National Criminal Defense College and Gerry Spence’s Trial College, and at national and international seminars, and has written extensively on these and other criminal law topics. She is co-author of WestGroup’s Everytrial Criminal Defense Resource Book, Wharton’s Criminal Evidence, 15th edition, and Wharton’s Criminal Procedure, 14th edition.

Among her many honors, Ms. Hollander is listed in The International Who’s Who of Business Crime Lawyers, was chosen as Best Lawyers’ Albuquerque Criminal Defense: Non-White-Collar Lawyer of the Year in 2010, White-Collar Lawyer of the Year in 2011 and General Practice Lawyer of the Year in 2016. In addition to her US practice, Ms. Hollander is an associate tenant with Doughty Street Chambers, London, where she focuses on international issues, including criminal law, international law and human rights.


How to Serve the Public Interest and Make a Real Difference While Making a Living in Private Practice: From Guantanamo to the Supreme Court

Monday, January 30, 2017, noon
240 Dockser Hall


Why We Need a Free Society and a Free Press to Protect Whistleblowers
Wednesday, February 1, 2017, noon
240 Dockser Hall


Evan Greer
Founder and Co-Director, Fight for the Future

The Honorable Nancy Gertner
Senior Lecturer on Law, Harvard Law School; Judge, US District Court for the District of Massachusetts (retired)

Matthew Segal
Legal Director, American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Massachusetts

Daniel Medwed, Professor of Law and Criminal Justice, Northeastern University School of Law

Visiting Fellow event flyer

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