Join us for a resume, CV, LinkedIn and cover letter writing workshop
Date: 3/28/2018
Time: 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Location: 1175 Tremont St (Northeastern Crossing)
Sponsored By: 826 Boston, Boston Air, The Interrobang Poets, NU Human Resources Management
More Information: RSVP at

Join us for a resume, CV, LinkedIn and cover letter writing workshop presented by The Northeastern University Writing Center and NU Human Resources Management. The first half of this session will be a presentation answering common formatting and content questions with examples. Additionally, we will cover tone, word choice, and cohesion.
For the second half of this workshop, come prepared to work on your own resumes or cover letters from any point in the writing process. Consultants will be available to work with you and answer questions. This event is free and open to the public.