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Writers’ Week: Writing/Righting the World

Join us for a social mixer and discussion on the importance of writing/righting the wrongs of the world.

Date: 3/26/2018

Time: 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Location: 1175 Tremont St (Northeastern Crossing)
Sponsored By: 826 Boston, Boston Air, The Interrobang Poets, NU Human Resources Management
More Information: RVSP at

Cartoon with children on adults' shoulders holding signs that read "all are welcome here"

Calling all writing enthusiasts, novices and experts in the Northeastern community and Greater Boston to kick-off NU Writers’ Week with a two-hour, social mixer on the importance of writing/righting the wrongs of the world through storytelling, research, news, social media, and beyond.In collaboration with Northeastern Crossing, this writers’ gathering will be hosted byI Know I Can author, Veronica Chapman and Lunchtime ComiX creator, Cagen Luse.

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