Join us for a social mixer and discussion on the importance of writing/righting the wrongs of the world.
Date: 3/26/2018
Time: 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Location: 1175 Tremont St (Northeastern Crossing)
Sponsored By: 826 Boston, Boston Air, The Interrobang Poets, NU Human Resources Management
More Information: RVSP at

Calling all writing enthusiasts, novices and experts in the Northeastern community and Greater Boston to kick-off NU Writers’ Week with a two-hour, social mixer on the importance of writing/righting the wrongs of the world through storytelling, research, news, social media, and beyond.In collaboration with Northeastern Crossing, this writers’ gathering will be hosted byI Know I Can author, Veronica Chapman and Lunchtime ComiX creator, Cagen Luse.