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Digital Integration Teaching Initiative Call for Partnerships: Summer and Fall 2023

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The Digital Integration Teaching Initiative (DITI) is now accepting new faculty partnerships for the Summer and Fall 2023 semesters.

Northeastern is committed to teaching our undergraduates the digital tools, skills, and methods that will enable them to be successful in today’s world. Students consistently report that they find it most useful when new technical skills are part of their disciplinary coursework. The DITI was established to help CSSH faculty meet this goal and forward our mission in the experiential liberal arts.

We collaborate with faculty across CSSH disciplines to help integrate digital methods and skills in a wide range of classes. The DITI team has expertise in teaching computational text analysis, map-based exhibits, audio editing and podcasting, data analysis, digital publication, and many other skills and methods—see our modules page for more.

Digital tools and methods can be of particular value in supporting collaboration and partnerships with communities outside the university. We welcome DITI proposals that incorporate teaching and learning focused on community engagement, citizen science, or community co-creation.

In order to successfully plan for partnerships in the upcoming term, we request that interested faculty partners:

  • Fill out the DITI call for partnerships form by March 27, 2023:
  • Meet with us for an initial consultation by June 9, 2023 for partnerships in Summer II and Fall. If you would like the DITI to visit your class in Summer I, please schedule a meeting by April 7, 2023.

Please note: you do not need to know all the details of your course to fill out the survey. The DITI team also encourages instructors who do not yet have teaching assignments to express interest in the program by filling out the form with whatever details are currently available. 

Once you fill out the intake form, we will contact you to schedule a consultation, where we will discuss the details of your course and develop a partnership plan. We will also send information on how you can reserve a day or days for the DITI team to visit your class(es). Weeks at the beginning and the middle of semester are historically more popular, and we allocate our visits on a first-come first-served basis. Therefore, if you are interested in those weeks, we recommend that you reserve the dates you are interested in as early as possible. 

You can learn more about the program at the DITI website, where you will find information on how the initiative has progressed, view sample student work, and read our faculty guidelines.

DITI partnerships may also involve collaborations with the Boston Area Research Initiative (BARI), and with the Library’s Digital Scholarship GroupResearch Data Services, and the Recording Studios team.

If you have questions at all, please contact us at

We hope to hear from you!

~ The DITI Team

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