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Announcing the NULab’s Spring 2023 Grant Recipients

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The NULab for Digital Humanities and Computational Social Science is happy to announce the recipients of the Spring 2023 Seedling, Travel, and Community Collaboration Grants. Seedling grants support pilot research to begin a longer-term research project. Travel grants support the presentation of NULab-related research at conferences or NULab-relevant professional development opportunities such as workshops. Community collaboration grants support digital and computational projects that center community engagement, citizen science, or community co-creation. These grants have funded research assistantships, data sets needed for research, access to tools and software, and travel costs for meetings that initiate, or further, a research project.

The recipients of the Spring 2023 NULab Seedling, Travel, and Community Collaboration Grants are as follows:

Seedling grants:

  • Adina Gitomer, Network Science: “Leadership Structure in Youth-Led Digital Action Networks”
  • Xuechen Chen, London, Politics and International Relations: “Strategic Narratives of Russia’s War in Ukraine: A Comparative Study of the United States and the European Union”
  • Myojung Chung, Journalism: “Triggered Suspicion: How to Minimize Unintended Consequences of Fact-checking”
  • Sam Kemp, Creative Writing, London; Amil Mohanan, Philosophy, London: “Mapping as a Method for Radical Landscape Poetry”
  • Olga Skaredina, Public Policy and Urban Affairs; Istiakh Ahmed, School of Public Policy and Urban Affairs: “Mapping power dynamics and participation of children and youth in the decision-making processes of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change”

Travel grants:

  • Adina Gitomer, Network Science: “Stop scrolling!: Youth activism and political remix on TikTok” at the 73rd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association
  • Victoria Dey, World History: “Wokeism in the 1980s: An Examination of Racial Consciousness in Black French Youth Publications” at the Colonial Legacies
    Revisited in the Digital Era conference
  • Risa Kitagawa, Political Science / International Affairs: “The Politics of Colonial Responsibility: Evidence from Parliamentary Debates” at the Law and Society Association Annual Meeting
  • Alisa Chen, English: “Multicultural & Multilingual TEI Encoding: A Comparative Study of British Romanticism and Chinese Tang Poetry through the Lens of Romantic ecology and affect narratology” submitted to the TEI 2023 annual conference
  • Seo Eun Yang, Political Science: “Automatically uncovering visual dimensions in political communication” at the PolMeth XL Conference

Community Collaboration grants:

  • Cassie Tanks, History: “After the War: A Collaborative Public Digital History Project”
  • Alex Cline, London, Data Engineering: “Cloud Experiential Learning Lab” 
  • Nicole Aljoe, English: “Early Black Boston Digital Almanac: K-12 Professional Development Workshops”
  • Claire Lavarreda, History: “How We Remember: Indigenous Perspectives on Archiving, Museums, and Community History”
  • Olly Ayers, London, History: “Mapping Black London: Engaging Communities in Multiracial History to Build Equitable Futures”
  • Sarah Kanouse, Art & Design: “Native Space”

If you are interested in the NULab grants program, see the grant application process page and look for the fall call for proposals in September 2023. See here for a full set of supported projects.

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