Undergraduate Study Abroad
Many political science undergraduate students participate in longer-term study abroad programs as a way to deepen their study of international and comparative politics, develop foreign-language skills, or simply experience the thrill of living in another cultural environment. More than 25 study abroad programs applicable to political science majors are sponsored by Northeastern’s Office of International Study Programs. Popular destinations for political science students have included University College in Dublin, Ireland, the London School of Economics, American University in Cairo, and Meiji University in Tokyo, Japan. In addition to regular coursework, some of our traditional study abroad programs, such as those in Brussels, Canberra, Dublin, and London, include opportunities for students to intern for a few hours a week with a member of parliament in the country concerned.
Students interested in a traditional study abroad program are encouraged to speak with a faculty mentor and the Office of International Study for more information about requirements, as well as information about which locations best match their needs. It is never too early during your studies at Northeastern to research and talk with advisors about how best to pursue an opportunity abroad.