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The ROUTES program is developed to increase the number of undergraduate underrepresented minority (URM) students participating in the environmental health (EH) research, training them in interdisciplinary settings and continuing onto graduate studies and lifelong EH research careers. ROUTES engages and prepares URM students for EH research careers through hands-on research experience, research community engagement, training, mentoring, and support. This program is bringing together the combined educational and experiential resources of Northeastern University faculty (with associated research centers and institutes), who provide their teaching, mentoring, and research expertise in environmental health sciences, including that in environmental engineering, environmental epidemiology, exposure sciences, and environmental chemistry and biology.

Two ROUTES students are part of the research team on “Poly- and Perfluorinated Chemicals: The Social Discovery of a Class of Emerging Contaminants.”

Phil Brown is a Faculty Mentor. The ROUTES program is led by PIs Akram Alshawabkeh (NU), Helen Suh (NU).

Award Information: National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences 1R25ES025496-01, 2015-2020.