PFAS Tox Database

SSEHRI is the new host of the PFAS-Tox Database, an interactive and publicly available systematic evidence map of over 700 in vitro, animal, and human studies that examine health outcomes related to PFAS exposure.
The goal of this systematic evidence map is to identify and organize the available health and toxicology related literature on a set of 29 PFAS of emerging and growing concern. This work will support further research on PFAS and health outcomes and future efforts to conduct systematic reviews using the existing scientific literature. The database has been viewed or accessed over 22,000 times so far and has been well-received by key stakeholders, including NGOs, academia, impacted communities, and multiple state and national agencies!
This project will be led at Northeastern by Julia Varshavsky, Assistant Professor of Environmental Health in the Department of Health Sciences and the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, and builds off of work initiated by the former The Endocrine Disruption Exchange (TEDX) and the Natural Resources Defense Council.
You can view a blog about the database at: The Big Reveal: Hundreds of Health Studies on Next Gen PFAS.