Marina Atlas
Masters of Public Health in Urban Health Candidate
Marina (Goreau) Atlas is a 2nd year graduate student at Northeastern University. She received a BA/BS in Environmental Studies and a Social Justice and Social Policy minor in 2012 from Brandeis University, earning highest honors for her thesis on regulatory barriers to effective personal care product ingredient regulation under the FDA’s Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. Since 2015, she has worked with the PFAS-Project lab at SSEHRI. She recently did a practicum at Silent Spring Institute, working with the PFAS-Research, Education, and Action for Community Health (PFAS-REACH) project. Previously her work applied epidemiological methods and biostatistical tools that she learned at Northeastern to identify, characterize, and re-assess, ecological-exposure to PFAS and related health effects observed in nearby communities. Marina’s research interests include exposure to inorganic chemicals as they impact bodily systems, with regard to environmental health and justice and urban health. Particularly, she is interested in learning about how the impacts of PFAS compounds on individuals, their families, and communities can be mitigated through strategic science translation.