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The Urban Water Innovation Network (UWIN) is funded by the National Science Foundation, and is a collaborative partnership among 18 institutions, led by Colorado State University, that is investigating pressures on water systems in six regional U.S. hubs, engaging stakeholders in assessing the broad impacts and tradeoffs associated with sustainable solutions for future water, and developing indicators to measure change and improvements in water management. The team is working on several projects with other institutions, including the design for a household survey and building a database of urban water environmental justice cases, to ensure that SEEJ concerns are a high profile in all aspects of UWIN.  Participation in stakeholder meetings is being sought from marginalized populations that typically do not have voices in the municipal water decision-making process.

Sharon Harlan co-directs the UWIN Social Equity and Environmental Justice (SEEJ) team with Elizabeth Mack at Michigan State University. Mariana Sarango, Northeastern University Population Health Ph.D. candidate, is the Graduate Research Assistant.


Award Information: National Science Foundation 1444758, 2015-2020.