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Ayah Aboelela

PhD in World History

Ayah Aboelela is a World History Ph.D. student at Northeastern University. She researches the Hajj in the late Ottoman period through the eyes of Muslim travel writers who journeyed through Egypt, Palestine, and the Hijaz. Her work explores patterns in their interactions with the environment, spirituality, and European colonialism. Having received her M.A. in World History and Graduate Certificate in Digital Humanities from Northeastern in 2023, she has completed several digital history projects and worked as a Research Associate for various digital humanities organizations, including the Boston Research Center and the NULab for Digital Humanities and Computational Social Science. Ayah hopes her work will inspire people inside and outside academia to empathize with historically marginalized individuals and think critically about contemporary forms of imperialism.

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Cohort: 2023

Research Interest: Ottoman Empire, Environmental History, Digital Humanities, Imperialism, Hajj, Hijaz, Egypt, Palestine

Most Recent Degree: M.A. in World History, Northeastern University, 2023

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