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Navigating a New Political Landscape: View real-time updates about the impact of and Northeastern's response to recent political changes.

Giuliano Espino

PhD Candidate in Political Science

Giuliano is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Political Science at Northeastern University, specializing in international relations and American government. He has a strong background and interest in global public health and constitutional law. Giuliano has served as a teaching assistant for introductory statistics, research methods, American government, and judicial policy.

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Research Interests

Giuliano’s dissertation examines the mechanisms through which international epistemic coalitions shape domestic public health policies. His first study is on the role of the International Olympic Committee in sparking the push to prohibit anabolic steroid use in the United States. Second, he is looking at the European Food Safety Authority’s approach to the regulation of bisphenol-A, a component in plastics believed by some to mimic estrogen in the human body. Finally, he explores the role of the Multidisciplinary Association of Psychedelic Studies in coordinating with the European Medicines Agency and the United States Food and Drug Administration to grant psilocybin mushrooms “breakthrough” status as an antidepressant.
Giuliano also researches state and local politics in the United States. His main focus is on state judiciaries, and their role in shaping Supreme Court jurisprudence. He has also presented at the New England Political Science Association conference on state implementation of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). Several articles relating to SNAP implementation are forthcoming.

Prior Work

Alongside his teaching responsibilities at Northeastern, Giuliano has taught political science courses at Framingham State University since the spring of 2019. He has taught Judicial Politics and Policy, Political Parties and Interest Groups, Psychedelic Drug Policy, The American Supreme Court, and Race Politics and The Law.

Giuliano is also an Academic Technology Scholar at Northeastern. He is certified in online course creation, and the Canvas learning management platform. He has helped faculty transition from Blackboard to Canvas, and how to leverage hyflex learning to maximize student engagement during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Giuliano grew up in Natick, Massachusetts. He received a bachelor’s degree in political science from Framingham State University in 2016. From there he went on to complete his master’s in political science at Northeastern University in 2018. He loved the school and faculty so much that he decided to stay for his PhD. He now lives in Webster with his wife and daughter.

Articles Under Review

Policy Implementation in the U.S. States:
Gubernatorial v. Local Administration of
the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

Conference Presentations

2019 New England Political Science Association: Policy Implementation in the U.S. States:
Gubernatorial v. Local Administration of
the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

Research Interest

global public health, drug policy, American constitutional law, judicial politics

Contact Info

960A Renaissance Park
Curriculum Vitae

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