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Urbashee Paul

PhD in Economics

Graduated in 2022

Motivated by the struggles of her upbringing, Urbashee Paul studied economics for her undergraduate and master’s degrees. Her path led her to pursue a PhD in Economics at Northeastern, where she researched the effect of U.S. immigration policy reform on firm performance and the labor market. She also worked with her advisor, Alicia Sasser Modestino, to evaluate the effect of private sector summer jobs on high students’ academic outcomes for the Boston Mayor’s Office of Workforce Development.

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Urbashee’s Path

“A lot of the crucial steps that brought me to where I am today happened during my teenage years, and that helped me break out of the economic barriers that life threw at me,” she says. “If I hadn’t broken out of these barriers at the crucial age between high school and college, I could have been in a very different place now.”

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