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Advanced Writing in the Health Professions

Offers writing instruction for students in the Bouvé College of Health Sciences. Students practice and reflect on writing in professional, public, and academic genres, such as literature reviews, case studies, protocols, and care instructions, relevant for careers in nursing, pharmacy, and other health professions. In a workshop setting, offers students an opportunity to evaluate a wide variety of sources and develop expertise in audience analysis, critical research, peer review, and revision.


  • Must be enrolled in one of the following Colleges: Bouve College of Hlth Sciences (BV).
  • Must be enrolled in one of the following Classes: Junior (JR); Senior (SR).
  • All others need to contact the English department.

ENGW 3306 Experiences

Courtney Fu (B.S. ’22, Pharmacy with minors in Economics & Entrepreneurship & Pharm.D. ’23):“I was surprised by how interwoven healthcare issues were into our assignments. Not only were the subject matters of our papers healthcare related, but the assignments themselves are genres that often used in the industry.” Read more.