Graduate Teaching Practicum

Each fall and spring semester, PhD and second-year MA students can apply for a 1 SH teaching practicum. Practicum gives graduate students the opportunity to become familiar with a range of undergraduate teaching through sustained observation of and limited participation in a class taught by a member of the graduate faculty.
Practicum Overview
The teaching practicum gives graduate students an opportunity to become familiar with a range of undergraduate teaching through sustained observation of and limited participation in a class taught by a member of the graduate faculty.
All undergraduate classes except required writing classes and seminars capped at 15 may, if the instructor chooses, be made available for the one-credit teaching practicum. Before the beginning of each semester, the Graduate Studies Committee (GSC) will ask for volunteers among the graduate faculty and will then circulate to graduate students a list of available classes, with meeting time, topic, and instructor. Students may indicate their interest in a class, and faculty members will select (based on fit, demand, etc.) from among those who have expressed interest. The option is open to both doctoral and second-year master’s students, but doctoral students will have priority if demand exceeds supply.
The practicum is a one-credit independent study (ENGL 8407) and is not equivalent to an Stipended Graduate Assistantship (SGA) assignment. Graduate students taking the practicum may not be asked (or allowed) to calculate or assign any grades, to teach a class in the instructor’s absence, or to perform any other duties of the instructor of record. Graduate students assigned to a class will be expected to attend a preponderance of the class meetings. The student and the faculty member will meet outside of class to consult about the student’s participation in pedagogical activities, which might include teaching a class or portion of a class, generating assignments, responding to student writing, and developing grading criteria.
The faculty member will write a narrative evaluation based on the student’s contribution to the conduct of the class. The faculty member should either include in the evaluation or write up separately language that can later be used in letters of recommendation for teaching positions.
Toward the end of each term, the GSC will hold a seminar for graduate students and faculty participating in the practicum. The seminar will provide an opportunity for participants both to share their specific experiences and also to generalize across classrooms about challenges, strategies, and outcomes.
Prior to the start of each semester, a practicum list will be circulated to students. Submit a Teaching Practicum Application to the instructor of the course you are most interested in observing. Please only apply to one practicum at a time.
When an instructor approves your application, work with the instructor to design your practicum. Submit the Teaching Practicum Description to the Graduate Program Administrator at least two weeks before the beginning of the semester so you can be enrolled in ENGL 8407 in a timely manner.
Please note that the Stipended Graduate Assistantship tuition waiver does not cover coursework enrollments for students who have advanced to candidacy. Interested ABD students may participate in practicum informally (i.e. not for credit) or formally register and pay the associated tuition costs. The application and description are still required.