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Navigating a New Political Landscape: View real-time updates about the impact of and Northeastern's response to recent political changes.
Headshot of Colin Brown

Associate Teaching Professor of Political Science; Undergraduate Program Director

Colin Brown’s work focuses on the descriptive representation of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd-generation immigrants, particularly in Western Europe. His research centers on the effects of election laws and party rules on the diversity of candidate lists, particularly where rules to encourage gender diversity may interfere with ethnic/racial diversity (and vice-versa).

Prior to Northeastern, Colin was a Harvard College Fellow and coordinator of the JFK Memorial Policy Fellows program. He also helped develop Harvard’s GovWrites curriculum and maintains an active research agenda on best practices for teaching writing, empathy, and information literacy in the college classroom. He is co-editor of the Political Science Educator.

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Course catalog
  • Introduction to Comparative Politics

    POLS 1155

    Presents a comparative study of political organization and behavior in a range of countries beyond the United States. Topics includes political culture, political economy, governing institutions, leadership, and political participation.