Vanessa Wei
Associate Teaching Professor of Chinese; Associate Director of the Less Commonly Taught Languages
Vanessa Wei teaches all level of Chinese. As an educator, she strives to provide an immersive environment for students to develop proficiency in Chinese by using a communicative and tasked-based teaching approach. As a researcher, she conducts classroom-based research on effective teaching methods, particularly on vocabulary pedagogy. Her broader interests include multiliteracies and integrating digital literacy with language instruction. She holds an Ed.D. in Language, Literacy and Culture from the University of Pittsburgh, an M.A. in Linguistics from SUNY-Buffalo, and an M.A. in teaching Chinese as a foreign language from the University of Iowa. Vanessa also holds a B.A. in English from Tunghai University in Taiwan. She is a certified ACTFL OPI tester.
EdD, Language, Literacy and Culture University of Pittsburgh
617.373.3131 -
447 Meserve Hall
360 Huntington Ave.
Boston, MA 02115 -
Office Hours
Monday 12:00 - 1:00 pm and Wednesday 3:00 - 4:00 pm
And by appointment.
Location: 447 Meserve Hall or via Zoom
Special Topic – Being Taiwanese: Diverse Voices
CHNS 3800