Join Socializing for Justice at the NonProfit Center for a talk about advocacy in the era of Trump
Join Socializing for Justice on Tuesday, April 4, 6:00 – 8:30 PM at The NonProfit Center by South Station.
Click to Tweet: Apr 4 Advocacy in the Time of Trump: Moving Beyond Tactics attend @SoJust #ProfDev to be more strategic $15 #RESIST
Fee: $15 advance/$30 door – split with trainer
Limited space – register ahead of time
Credit cards accepted online and at the door.
Newcomers always welcomed!
Advocacy in the Time of Trump: Moving Beyond Tactics
Political activism is trending in the U.S. and there’s no shortage of tips and tactics out there. The problem with diving straight into tactics – without understanding the rules of the political engagement – is that new activists can sabotage their own efforts. It’s like building a house starting with the roof or the sidewalls instead of the foundation.
The solution is training activists to understand the unstated foundational rules. By learning The Advocacy Framework, activists will be able to identify goals, pick a winning strategy, and employ the appropriate techniques naturally. Activists can then dramatically improve their effectiveness.
Participants learn:
• Why credibility is critical
• How to build political relationships & political capital
• The keys to a successful ask
Stefanie Coxe has over 15 years experience in politics and in the non-profit world. During that time she met a lot of people who couldn’t afford a lobbyist but still had a need and passion for advocacy. She formed her training and e-learning company, Nexus Werx LLC to teach non-profit leaders and small businesses how to lobby; individuals how to be effective activists; and first time candidates how to run for office. Stefanie is a 14th generation Cape Codder currently residing in Cambridge, MA. Learn more about her and her work at
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