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CSSH Endnotes: May 2016

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Excerpts from the CSSH website full article found here.

Two current CSSH students and one recent alumna have earned Fulbright scholarships. Esther Laaninen, human services and international affairs combined major, was awarded the 2016 Fulbright Scholarship to be an English Teaching Assistant in Colombia. Esther participated in an intensive academic program paired with a substantial service-learning experience at a residential program for vulnerable girls as a part of the Dialogue of Civilization to Zambia. She is a leader on campus through her work with Peace through Play and as a resident and teaching assistant. International affairs and economics combined major Kelsey Burhans also received a Fulbright scholarship. Kelsey will conduct research on Bolivia and Peru into variables that help or hinder financial inclusion programs in the Andean region. Her goal is to better understand why initiatives such as microcredit, community savings, and lending groups fail or flourish in remote, disadvantaged areas.

CSSH alumna Nina Angeles, a staff member in the Social Enterprise Institute, is a yet another recipient of a Fulbright scholarship. For her Fulbright research, Nina plans to leverage her background in international affairs and human services – her combined major at Northeastern – as well as the knowledge of social enter­prise she gained from working with microbusi­nesses in South African town­ships, an oppor­tu­nity made pos­sible by the Social Enter­prise Insti­tute. Her work will explore the impact of social enter­prise on Jordan’s state­less Gaza refugees by exam­ining how their fledg­ling busi­nesses affect their ability to improve their eco­nomic standing.

Human services major Océane Langreney is one of this year’s Presidential Global Fellows. Océane has focused her extensive humanitarian efforts on disadvantaged children. In Tanzania, she worked in an orphanage that served 50 children, and she now sits on the board of the nonprofit’s U.N. chapter. She will pursue a master’s in international social work at the nation’s top program at the University of Michigan.

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