Join us for a panel featuring alumni with successful entrepreneurial ventures in a diverse array of fields
Date: 3/30/2017
Time: 6:00PM to 8:00PM
Location: Cabral Center, 40A Leon Street Boston, MA 02115
Sponsored By: College of Social Sciences and Humanities
Contact: (Megan Nicklaw)
More Information:;jsessionid=097A985A3E1A9169D4854E0F45202E8E?llr=4ggtmqfab&oeidk=a07edy6pxda2c3f9db4

Join the College of Social Sciences and Humanities for a panel featuring alumni with successful entrepreneurial ventures in a diverse array of fields and industries. Hear their stories and how a liberal arts education can help prepare you for your own path in social, political, or business innovation. The panel will be moderated by Neel Desai, current economics major and president/CEO of Northeastern’s venture accelerator, IDEA.