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Talking Tough: How to facilitate difficult conversations

Flyer entitled: Conversations that matter. Talking tough how to facilitate difficult conversations Thursday, November 15 Center for Intercultural Engagement 144 Curry Student Center 10 am - 4pm. Flyer description: Register by November 6: Questions? Northeastern students, faculty, and staff, and Boston residents are invited to participate in a training where you will learn how to hold spaces for difficult conversations on and off campus that help to build trust, foster understanding, and enhance resilience for having constructive conversations on challenging topics and issues in our society. Lunch will be provided. Center for Intercultural Engagement logo next to Northeastern crossing logo. Image description: Orange, yellow, and white text on a blue background next to graphic organs, blue, and yellow triangle border. At the top of the flyer, there are two face silhouettes with rainbow colored triangles.

A great training opportunity to build leadership skills!

Date: 11/15/2018

Time: 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Location: 144 Curry Student Center
More Information:

Special training opportunity for Boston residents to build new leadership skills!

Participate in a training on holding spaces for difficult conversations that will help you build faster understanding and enhance resilience for constructive conversations on challenging issues and societal topics. Lunch will be provided. 

Please register by November 6!

Talking Tough event flyer

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