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What Keeps Us Up At Night?

A mixer between community partners and faculty members of Service-Learning

Date: 3/29/2017

Time: 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM
Location: 440 Egan Research Center, 120 Forsyth Street
More Information:

Do you ever toss and turn in your bed thinking about how to take your course or program in a new direction but you’re falling short on resources? Do you ever get distracted from counting sheep by a persistent issue that you need advice on? do you ever get up for a cup of water for the third time that night wishing that you could get a third party opinion on your situation instead?

If so, we’d like to invite you to a mixer between community partners and faculty members of Service-Learning to share knowledge, information, support and resources. Join us for a cocktail/beer+wine evening of light refreshments and illuminating conversation!

Wednesday, March 29th (5:30 – 7:00 PM)*
440 Egan Research Center @ 120 Forsyth St. (Northeastern University)

RSVP here
Must be 21+ to attend

*This is the time frame for the formal programming, but guests are welcome to stay longer.

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