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Department of Cultures, Societies, and Global Studies

Latinx, Latin American, and Caribbean Studies Program

Explores the historical, cultural, political, and economic foundations of and linkages between U.S. Latinx society, Latin America, and the Caribbean focusing on the dynamic legacy of interaction of indigenous, African, Asian and European peoples in our hemisphere as these inform the global modern/colonial experience.

The LLACS Minor
Latinx, Latin American, and Caribbean Studies (LLACS) Program

This program’s objective is to prepare intellectual leaders, foment future scholars, and the next generation of local and global citizens. Critical to the LLACS program is understanding how the Americas are connected by shared histories, cultures, political processes, economic currents, migration patterns, social practices and beliefs. Students in this program will develop critical analytic skills and explain how these dynamic processes manifest themselves in the fields of Anthropology, History, Language, Literature, Sociology, Philosophy, Political Science, and Religion. In this program students will demonstrate their understanding of these processes by writing reflection papers, essays, and research papers as well as presenting their research orally. Students will also reflect on these issues by participation in a Dialogue of Civilization.