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Information on opportunities for students to present and publish their research, as well as about fellowships, seminars and training programs can be found below. Most of these opportunities are outside of Northeastern and have application deadlines. Information on extracurricular programs and experiential opportunities within the Department of Philosophy and Religion can be found here.  

Publishing Opportunities

The library at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln has a great guide to undergraduate philosophy journals here:

Check this resource out for ongoing research on publishing your undergraduate work.


Dialogue accepts articles by undergraduate or graduate students of philosophy, but not from those with terminal degrees (a terminal M.A. or a doctorate). Topics may be in any area of contemporary interest in philosophy or its history. Membership in Phi Sigma Tau is not a condition for publication. Authors are encouraged to use gender-inclusive language. For matters of style, please consult the latest version of The Chicago Manual of Style.

Prospective authors should email a copy of their paper to the editor. Any word processing format is acceptable though RTF (rich text format) or WORD files are preferred. The texts for papers should be double-spaced throughout (including quotations and notes), and with notes gathered at the end. Special symbols and characters in non-Roman alphabets should be avoided. Greek terms should be transliterated. Authors should also send a SUBMISSION SHEET containing:

Author’s name, mailing address, and phone number
(with email address if available).
TITLE of the paper submitted.
A brief ABSTRACT of fifteen lines or less.

Hard copies are acceptable, but they must be accompanied by a disk copy of the paper. If a disk copy of the paper is sent, the disk label should contain: (1) Author Name; (2) Disk format (e.g., DOS, MAC, UNIX); and (3) Formatting software and version. The author’s name should not appear on the manuscript copies, which cannot be returned. Authors should enclose a self-addressed postcard if they want immediate acknowledgment of receipt of their manuscripts.

Offprints are not available, but authors of articles will receive ten copies of the complete issue containing their article (reviewers, five copies). Abstracts of articles will be supplied for indexing to The Philosopher’s Index.

Learn more about the journal here.

Sapere Aude, the student-run undergraduate journal of philosophy at the College of Wooster since 2007, is currently accepting submissions for its upcoming volume, to be published in May 2025. All students enrolled in undergraduate programs worldwide during the 2024-2025 academic year are eligible to submit their work for consideration.

For this volume, Sapere Aude accepts two categories of philosophical works: academic essays and non-academic pieces. Authors can submit to both categories with a maximum of one work per category.

Academic pieces. Authors can submit to both categories, with a maximum of one work per category. Academic essays are essays which contribute to one or more philosophical traditions in a novel and meaningful way. They should be between 2000 and 5000 words in length, not counting the bibliography, footnotes, or endnotes. They should also be carefully proofread, edited, and prepared according to the Chicago Manual of Style, 17th Edition. In addition to novelty in their theses, essays are evaluated based on three other criteria: They should be readable; they should be well-organized; and they should contain clear and charitable interpretations of philosophical texts.

Non-academic pieces include poems and pieces of art. Although these pieces may be about any topic of choice, they should represent a meaningful effort to evoke philosophical concepts, ideas, or arguments. Authors of these submissions will have the opportunity to send, as a separate document, a think piece of up to 500 words either explaining their work, philosophizing, making the relevant connections to a school of thought, or all of the above. Evaluation of non-academic pieces is based on how original and creative they are, whether they demonstrate mastery of poetry and the arts, as well as how well the accompanying think pieces demonstrate an understanding of philosophy.

To eliminate personal bias during the review process, the editorial board has traditionally practiced double- blind peer review. To this end, we ask that authors take appropriate care to anonymize their submissions so that no personal information is present in the submission itself. Instead, we ask that authors send, in addition to their submission, a biographical paragraph of up to 200 words containing their name, class year, institution, and any other personal information they feel comfortable sharing with readers of Sapere Aude, should their submission be considered for publication.

The deadline for submission is February 10, 2025, at 11:59PM.

All submissions are to be sent to by the provided date. Submissions should be sent in the format of png. for pieces of art, and docx. for essays and poems. All correspondence is to be carried out through this email.


Aperto Animo is an annual, student-run philosophical journal that publishes the work of undergraduate students in the field of philosophy. Aperto Animo seeks to facilitate thoughtful philosophical discussions on campus, and to prompt students to explore philosophy outside of the classroom. We want to help students learn how to interpret and critique philosophy across the years, and to bring students to be more analytical and aware of the world around them.

We are looking for submissions in a range of philosophical subcategories, including ethics, value theory, political thought, epistemology, metaphysics, philosophy of the mind, philosophy of language, and critiques of other philosophers’ writings. Submissions can be anywhere from very brief explorations of the various philosophical components at play in a contemporary issue, to longer papers. We generally look for submissions within the range of 2-to-15-page range but are open to reading longer submissions as well.

Please direct any and all questions about Aperto Animo to

Examples of Past Student publications:

  • 2024 Edition
    • Blameworthiness, Labor Exploitation, and Consumer Responsibility.” By Ciara Maria Nuss, Page 39
      • Written for PHIL 5001 Global Justice.

Arché, Boston University’s student-led journal of philosophy, is currently seeking submissions for 2025 issue, No. 9. This issue is a general topic issue and, as such, is not devoted to explorations of a special topic or theme in a particular area of philosophy. We are open to submissions of various formats, including (but not limited to) research papers, critical analyses, conference presentation materials, interviews, and original essays.

Topics include, but not limited to: political philosophy; epistemology; metaphysics; ethics; feminist philosophy; philosophy of science; literary semantics and pragmatics; theories of interpretation (hermeneutics) and theories of language; language formalization and literary style; paralanguage in literature; text linguistics and narratology; mathematical logic and grammar; rhetoric in philosophy; cognitive poetics and stylistics; or philosophical aspects of translation

All submissions should follow the citation guidelines of Chicago’s Notes and Bibliography style and should be submitted in English.

Submissions should be submitted through the Arché website. They will be reviewed on a rolling basis through May 1st, 2025.

Call for Submission Flyer

Conferences, Fellowships, Internships, and Summer Programs

The 29th Annual SUNY Oneonta Undergraduate Philosophy Conference will take place May 2nd & 3rd, 2025.

Undergraduate students are invited to submit papers on any philosophical topic.

Submitted papers should be suitable for a 20 minute presentation. Authors should prepare their submissions for blind review by removing any of their identifying information from the text.

In a separate file, please include a 100 word abstract of the paper along with

  • Your name
  • Paper title
  • Institutional affiliation

Materials should be submitted as .docx files.

Review is on-going and papers will be accepted on a rolling basis.

The Final Deadline for submission is Feb 28th, 2025.

Please email submissions or questions to:

For more information, view the webpage here.