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Ethics Institute Speaker, Amod Lele

Time: 12 -1:30pm

Location: Renaissance Park 4th floor common room

Title: What’s wrong with anger: a modern defence of a Buddhist position

Abstract: Classical Buddhists like Śāntideva viewed anger as something harmful to be avoided. Today, many defend anger as a helpful or appropriate response to political injustice. This talk argues that the classical Buddhist critique of anger retains its power against anger’s contemporary defenders, even in contexts of racial or gender injustice. Alongside Buddhist arguments it draws on Martin Luther King Jr., Martha Nussbaum, Seneca’s Stoicism and contemporary psychological evidence.

About the Speaker: Amod Lele is the Associate Director of the Ethics Institute at Northeastern University.

PPE Speaker Series, Alexander Livingston and Eraldo Souza dos Santos

Time: 11:50am – 1:10pm

Location: Cabral Center

Title: Martin Luther King Jr.’s Lessons for our Times

Abstract: A roundtable discussion with Alexander Livingston and Eraldo Souza dos Santos from Cornell University.

About the Speakers:

Alexander Livingston is an Associate Professor in the Department of Government and Interim Director of the Society for the Humanities. His primary areas of research are democratic theory, social movements, religion and politics, and the history of twentieth-century political thought.

Eraldo Souza dos Santos is a Klarman Postdoctoral Fellow at Cornell University. His current research explores how political concepts have come to shape political discourse and political practice, and how political actors have come to contest the meaning of these concepts in turn.

Ethics Institute Speaker, Daniel Barbarrusa

Time: 12 -1:30pm

Location: TBA

Title: TBA

Abstract: TBA

About the Speaker: Daniel Barbarrusa is a Fulbright Scholar visiting from University of Seville, Spain.

Ethics Institute Speaker, Kevin Dorst

Time: 12 -1:30pm

Location: TBA

Title: TBA

Abstract: TBA

About the Speaker: Kevin Dorst is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Linguistics and Philosophy at MIT.

Ethics Institute Speaker, Giovanni Duca

Time: 12 -1:30pm

Location: TBA

Title: TBA

Abstract: TBA

About the Speaker: Giovanni Duca is a PhD student visiting from University of Milan, Italy.

Ethics Institute Speaker, Amy Flowerree

Time: TBA

Location: TBA

Title: TBA

Abstract: TBA

About the Speaker: Amy Flowerree is an Associate Professor of Philosophy at Texas Tech University.

Ethics Institute Speaker, Alice Helliwell

Time: TBA

Location: TBA

Title: TBA

Abstract: TBA

About the Speaker: Alice Helliwell is an Assistant Professor in Philosophy at Northeastern University London