Shavaun Sutton
Sociology PhD Candidate
Shavaun Sutton is a fifth-year doctoral student. She holds a master’s in public health in Community Health Sciences from SUNY Downstate School of Public Health. She strives to promote equity via the analysis of nuanced narratives and lived experience. Seeking to amplify voices silenced by oppression and marginalization, Shavaun critically engaged with Black girl- and womanhood, state-sanctioned violence, and erasure as epistemic violence, particularly the erasure of Black narratives in white-majority spaces, through the lens of Black Feminist Thought.
Areas of Research/Interests: Critical Race Theory, Community Accountable Scholarship, Qualitative Methods, Urban Ethnography, Black Feminisms/Womanism.
Dissertation Committee: Chair: Liza Weinstein, Members: Layla Brown, Mario Hernandez, LeConté Dill