Vanessa Torres
PhD in World History
Vanessa (She/Her/Ella) is a second year World History Ph.D. student and 2021-2023 HASTAC Scholar at Northeastern University. As a graduate research assistant, she has been involved in “Reckonings: A Local History Platform for the Community-Archivist,” “Apartheid Heritages: The Spatial History of ZA’s Black Townships,” and the “Visualizing Spatial Violence: Tools for Social Justice Advocacy” (multi-disciplinary community engaged projects). She is also currently involved in the 2022 – 2023 Humanities Center Collaborative Research Cluster, “Queering the Archive.” Prior to her graduate studies at Northeastern, Vanessa received her Bachelor of Arts in Chicana/o/x-Latina/o/x Studies with a double minor in Latin American Studies and Literary Journalism in June of 2021 from the University of California, Irvine. In the Summer of 2022, Vanessa participated in two Mellon Foundation stipend fellowships: University of Maryland’s Social Media Corps and University of New Hampshire’s Summer Institute in Public Humanities. Following the latter fellowship, she received a 2022-2023 Mellon Foundation and UNH Public Humanities seed-funding grant to support her healing arts and community engaged project on Undocu/Queer Latinx experiences. She has also co-lead two “Deep Mapping with Scalar workshop sessions for NEH’s Engaging Geography in the Humanities Institute at Northeastern University alongside Dr. Angel David Nieves and Cassie Tanks, MSLS. She then served as an assistant with a 360-photography workshop session for this summer institute. In the Spring of 2022, Vanessa presented at Northeastern University’s 2022 Grad History Conference and University of Alberta’s Digital Humanities Conference: Kindred Cyberspaces on her paper, “Building ‘Undocu/Queer Imaginaries:’ A Collection for Undocumented Immigrant & LGBTQ+ Latina/o/x Experiences in the United States” (a digital book project). In addition, she was a panelist alongside Cassie Tanks representing keynote speaker Dr. Angel David Nieves for the Barbara Meyers Pelson ’59 Faculty-Student Engagement Annual Lecture at The College of New Jersey. Then, with Cassie Tanks, she was a roundtable discussion participant representing Apartheid Heritages for “Digital Archives, Anti-Racism, and Critical Metadata Practices,” an event co-sponsored by the NULab for Digital Humanities and Computational Social Science, the Northeastern University Humanities Center, and the Speculation in the Archive research cluster at Northeastern University.

Cohort: 2021
Research Interest: As a Latina scholar, she is interested in investigating generational and emotional approaches to documenting Latina/o/x, more specifically Queer Latina/o/x, oral and visual histories. This way she can develop an understanding of how socioeconomic experiences, racial/ethnic identity and markers, and gender and sexuality identities intersect in the queer framework of education and immigration experiences in Latinx local communities.
Latina/o/x histories, (Im)migration Politics and Journalism, LGBTQ2IA+ Histories and Testimonios, Generational (oral, written, and visual) Histories, Education Trajectories, Gendered Emotional Labor, Public/Community Engagement, Digital Humanities