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Please fill out the form below to submit an SGA opportunity for Summer 2025.

Job Submission Form

Please identify the person to whom the SGA would report.
Please describe the SGA assistantship in some detail so that applicants can understand what type of opportunity they are applying for (~150 words).
Please indicate the number of positions you can fund here.
Please provide a description of the overarching project. If there are research partners (internal or external) please note those here. This should be an abstract length description (~150 words).
E.g. Boston, on campus. If this involves off-site research, please indicate location(s).
This information is needed to charge the SGA stipend and will not be displayed on the site.
Please list any specific qualifications here. For example, if the graduate assistant needs particular methodological or analytical skills or a particular disciplinary or inter-disciplinary background that should be made clear in the qualifications section. If the applicant needs to travel or access to a car, those details should also be included here.
Position Type(Required)
Please provide the email address of the contact person to whom the collected student applications should be sent.

Steps for Creating a New SGA Opportunity

  1. Fill out the form above.
  2. After submitting your opportunity, you will see a message saying “Job submitted successfully. Your listing will be visible once approved.”
  3. A member of the Graduate Office will approve your submission within 24-48 hours, and the opportunity will then be visible here:
  4. Applications will be sent to the contact person for each posting automatically via the web portal. Please be sure to check spam folders and add “” and “” to your safe sender list.
    • To add these domains to your safe sender list on Outlook, please follow the instructions here.