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A Message From the Africana Studies Program


At the conclusion of his statement about the most recent racist attacks in country, President Aoun exhorted the Northeastern community to “take up the work of healing” and “use our voices not just to call for a better society, but to create one.” And it is in this spirit of valuing action over words that the Africana Studies Program offers the following list of resources and activities to support the crucial work of social justice and against anti-black racism:

  1. The Civil Rights and Restorative Justice Project Website
    1. “The Half Was Never Told: Honoring George Floyd” by Professor Margaret Burnham
    2. Was Ahmaud Arbery Lynched and Why Does it Matter?” by Professor Margaret Burnham
  2. Anti-Racist Resource Guide by Victoria Alexander, M.Ed.
  3. Bail Funds/Legal Help by City
  4. BlackLivesMatter Website with List of Ways to Donate
  5. A New York Times Essay by Claudia Rankine
  6. A Guardian essay by Renni Eddo-Lodge
  7. Smithsonian/National Museum of African American History and Culture Page about Anti-racism
  8. Anti-Racist Reading List Developed by Ibram X. Kendi for the New York Times 
    1. Activities and Readings around his Book, “How to be an Anti-Racist” 
  9. New York Times 1619 Project, Exploring the History of Race in America
  10. Smithsonian/National Museum of African American History and Culture about the Importance of Self-Care in Dealing with Racism: “Caring for ourselves helps to bring balance, focus, and mindfulness to our lives. In turn, this helps us to better navigate the challenging social and political issues related to our anti-racist work.”

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