The Africana Studies Program and the Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program
The Northeastern University Africana Studies Program and Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program announce a 2-year Postdoctoral Fellowship in Black Feminist Studies to begin July 1, 2022. Specialization may be in any area of Africana Studies in disciplines of social sciences or humanities, with a clear commitment to feminist interdisciplinary work.
We welcome textual, theoretical, or empirical projects in any field or period that engage questions at the intersection of Africana Studies and feminism, gender, and sexuality. Research proposals should involve substantive theoretical engagement within Africana Studies and feminist/gender studies; the strongest proposals will include a project component and will embrace an intersectional approach that reckons with complex questions around gender, sexuality, race, and ethnicity. Special consideration will be given to candidates with expertise in Black queer studies and/or the digital humanities.
The Postdoctoral Fellow will have access to a mentor, research centers, and have one writing workshop presentation and session with faculty from across the university. Africana Studies is an interdisciplinary program with a mission of teaching and conducting research in social sciences and humanities fields on the historical and contemporary experiences across the local and global African Diaspora. Recent hires in Africana Studies at Northeastern have resulted in a vibrant community of Black feminist scholars in the fields of history, religion, anthropology, and literary studies making this an especially exciting moment for a Postdoctoral Fellow in Black Feminist Studies to join us.
Click here to learn more about the fellowship and how to apply.