2024–2025 Academic Year
- February 27, 2025: Max Bergholz lecture: Uncomfortable Evidence: On the Challenge of Telling New Stories about Srebrenica.
- November 21, 2024: Orisanmi Burton lecture: Methods of Carceral War
- November 15, 2024: Northeastern University London book presentation and discussion: The Rise of the Radical Right in Italy: A New Balance of Power in the Right-Wing Camp.
- October 17, 2024: Northeastern Law’s Center for Global Law and Justice 2024 Speaker Series: Issues in Human Rights and Humanitarian Law: Vasuki Nesiah: “Victim: Gender as Tool and Weapon” with Brudnick faculty as respondent.
- October 10, 2024: Burds Memorial Lecture Series on Eurasian Studies: Natia Chankvetadze and Valentine M. Moghadam, with Brudnick faculty as discussant.
- September 16, 2024: SDG Perspective Series: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions: An Exploration of Lessons Learned from Past Global Conflicts
2023–2024 Academic Year
- March 12, 2024: Pinky Hota book talk: The Violence of Recognition: Adivasi Indigeneity and Anti-Dalitness in India.
2021–2022 Academic Year