Kelly Garneau
Teaching Professor in English
Kelly Garneau joined the faculty at Northeastern in 2007 and teaches First-Year Writing and Advanced Writing in the Disciplines. She received her Ph.D. from Northeastern University, specializing in modernist American fiction, especially the role of technologies as models of memory and identity. Her interest in technologies and selves persists in a fascination with the ways the tools we use as writers shape how we express and even know ourselves. Kelly’s academic interests include online and hybrid course design and delivery, student-driven assignment development, multimodal composition, and exploring the factors that influence students’ confidence and identities as writers. In both First-Year and Advanced Writing, Kelly hopes to foster connections between students’ writing and their lived experiences, their passions, and their academic and professional work. Kelly lives on the South Shore with her family and a menagerie of pets, and spends her downtime reading old school paper newspapers, watching trashy tv, and walking dogs–anyone’s dogs.
PhD in English and American Literature, 2001, Northeastern University
465 Holmes Hall
360 Huntington Avenue
Boston, MA 02115 -
Office Hours
Tuesday 3:30 - 5:00 and Friday 11:45 - 1:15
First-Year Writing
ENGW 1111
Designed for students to study and practice writing in a workshop setting. Students read a range of texts in order to describe and evaluate the choices writers make and apply that knowledge to their own writing and explore how writing functions in a range of academic, professional, and public contexts. Offers students an opportunity to learn how to conduct research using primary and secondary sources; how to write for various purposes and audiences in multiple genres and media; and how to give and receive feedback, to revise their work, and to reflect on their growth as writers.
Interdisciplinary Advanced Writing
ENGW 3315
Offers writing instruction for students interested in interdisciplinary study or who wish to explore multiple disciplines. Students practice and reflect on writing in professional, public, and academic genres relevant to their individual experiences and goals. In a workshop setting, offers students an opportunity to evaluate a wide variety of sources and to develop expertise in audience analysis, critical research, peer review, and revision.
Introductory First-Year Writing
ENGW 1110
Designed for students who would benefit from an extra semester of writing instruction before taking ENGW 1111. Students study and practice writing in a workshop setting. Introduces students to college-level writing, reading, and research. Offers students an opportunity to give and receive feedback, to revise their work, and to reflect on their growth as writers.
Advanced Writing in the Social Sciences
ENGW 3308
Offers instruction in writing for students considering careers or advanced study in the social sciences. By exploring research literature and reflecting on their own experiences, offers students an opportunity to identify issues of interest and analyze how texts make claims, invoke other social science literature, offer evidence, and deploy key terms. Through analysis and imitation, exposes students to the challenges of the social science project, including the collection of data on human subjects and the ethical presentation of evidence. In a workshop setting, offers students an opportunity to evaluate a wide variety of sources and develop expertise in audience analysis, critical research, peer review, and revision.