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Co-op Reflection: Lily Mittnight

Rosie's Place
Lily Mittnight

“One of my favorite moments at Rosie’s was when we marched in the Boston Pride Parade. Not only was I able to connect with coworkers and guests, I was also able to see Rosie’s impact on a larger scale. Everyone knew Rosie’s Place and would shout enthusiastically as we drove by in our duck boat. It was a really special moment and it made me realize how important our services are.”

Lily Mittnight, Human Services and Communications Major

Co-op Term: Spring 2019
Position: Activities and Advocacy Coordinator
Employer: Rosie’s Place in Boston, MA

Founded in 1974, Rosie’s Place was the first all women’s homeless shelter formed in the United States. As an Activities and Advocacy Coordinator, Lily Mittnight had many responsibilities including operating the front desk, creating learning activities, and visiting partner facilities. This co-op position is a part of the BCIC (Boston Community Impact Co-ops).  Although it was a challenge to adapt to the demands of the job, she acquired the skills and confidence necessary to managing the shelter’s daily operations.

Mittnight accredits her Counseling in Human Services course for providing her with the expertise to engage with clients, co-workers, and supervisors. She noticed the importance of flexibility and patience, especially when working in direct service. At Rosie’s Place, Mittnight realized her passion for teaching as she enjoyed forming lesson plans, collaborating with teachers, and helping her students learn.

Learn more about Lily’s co-op experience in her reflection presentation.

Lily Mittnight and her coworkers representing Rosie’s Place in the Boston Pride Parade.

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