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Co-op Reflection: Porter Warrick-Hess

enabling engineering

“Working at Enabling Engineering allowed me to challenge myself in various, unexpected ways that I most likely wouldn’t have encountered without stepping outside of my comfort zone and accepting this position.”

Porter Warrick-Hess, Human Services Major

Co-op Term: Spring 2019
Position: Program Assistant
Employer: Enabling Engineering at Northeastern University

As a Program Assistant for Northeastern’s Enabling Engineering program, Porter Warrick-Hess had to navigate her duties without formal training and resources. She initially spent weeks learning how to operate new software to fulfill her tasks and organize meetings. Her work was culminated in the end-of-semester showcase as she engaged with clients and donors to display the progress of her teams and the organization.

Hess was able to facilitate meetings and order materials for over 25 teams to create projects that would have a lasting effect on their clients. Her most meaningful experience occurred when delivering a motorized car for a child with cerebral palsy. The project was challenging and she spent several weekends supervising the additional electrical engineer hired to complete it. Delivering the car personally, Hess could genuinely see the impact of the organization’s projects.

Learn more about Porter’s co-op in her own words in her reflection paper.

Porter Warrick-Hess coordinated with the Accessibility Director of the Museum of Fine Arts to help create a 3D printed map for visitors with visual impairments.

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