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Co-op Spotlight: Kate Clemenz

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Kate's time at Pinn Street Inn helped her grow in a number of ways.

Kate-Clemenz Profile
“I think the most meaningful part of this experience was the connections I made with my clients and being able to watch them grow. It was fun to build relationships and joke around with them as they passed by in the hallway, but it was also fun to see the more serious side of their growth and healing journeys.”
– Kate Clemenz, Human Services

Co-op Term: Fall 2022
Position:  Case Manager, Stabilization Unit
Employer:  Pine Street Inn, Boston, MA

Pine Street Inn is a large organization that has a wide variety of programs across the Greater Boston area. For her co-op, Kate worked as a Case Manager in Pine Street Inn’s Stabilization program for men dealing with substance use and homelessness. This was at the Shattuck Shelter in Jamaica Plain, on the Lemuel Shattuck Hospital campus. Upon knowing the impact Kate was going to have in her role, she had to overcome any feelings about imposter syndrome. By the end of her co-op Kate had grown into her role and became more comfortable and confident in the duties she had to perform. 

Her main role was to support aftercare, the next step for clients after they’ve completed the program. This included placements at halfway houses, sober homes or going home to complete an outpatient program. This process required excellent communication and people skills, whether she was helping clients decide their next steps or collaborating with aftercare locations. 

Her time at Pinn Street Inn helped Kate grow in a number of different ways. She strengthened her confidence in her career path, learned more about social issues, changed her mindset about society, and improved her time management and organization skills. Overall this experience made Kate feel like a more confident and compassionate human being.

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