At Instatrac Miranda worked directly with policy and she was able to learn how laws are passed.

– Miranda Rodolakis, Human Services/ Political Science
Co-op Term: Spring 2023
Position: Position was not specified as the responsibilities varied
Employer: Instatrac, Boston, MA
Miranda spent the majority of her co-op working under the Legislative Committee Coordinator and the other co-op Kylie. Miranda stated that the supportive nature of her supervisor Arianna and the other co-op on staff made for an enjoyable work environment. While during the first few weeks Miranda’s duties changed on a day to day basis, eventually she was able to settle into a routine with recurring weekly tasks. By the end of her co-op she was given more responsibility involving direct work with the website that would affect things on the site such as committee hearing transcripts or amendment summaries for the 2024 Fiscal Year budget.
The most challenging activity she engaged in was managing the organization’s twitter as designing infographics and sharing them online was an unexpected responsibility for Miranda. Furthermore she was given complete agency with these social media even though she had no prior graphic design experience. She struggled in the beginning with this task but she learned that she had the ability to be artistically creative.
Miranda also worked directly with policy, specifically policy formation. She worked with the committee hearings and fiscal budgeting. Through these experiences she was able to learn how state laws are passed and the step by step processes in which a bill becomes a law. She stated that she was also given the opportunity to do even more research on these bill processes, and was able to grow her knowledge through both experience and research.