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Danielle Dottor, speaking as a representative for the Boston Area Rape Crisis Center

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Danielle Dottor, a second year criminal justice and human services double major, was recently featured in the Huntington News speaking on the #MeToo campaign as a hotline counselor as Boston Area Rape Crisis Center, BARCC.

The article, “#MeToo campaign sparks discussion” by Katie McCreedy, a news staff for the Huntington News reports:

“Volunteers and staff at the Boston Area Rape Crisis Center, or BARCC, have seen an increase in sexual violence reports in response to the Weinstein allegations and social media campaign. Danielle Dottor, a second-year criminal justice and human services double major at Northeastern, is a hotline counselor at BARCC.

‘Since the Harvey Weinstein information was released, the number of people seeking BARCC services has gone up,” Dottor said. “Not because more assaults are happening, but because it’s becoming more talked about right now and that’s bringing things up for people.’…

BARCC offers a variety of free services to support victims of sexual violence in addition to free training for anyone who wants to learn about it. They also offer a hotline service for those affected by sexual violence and support colleges, including Northeastern, in their efforts to combat sexual violence on campuses…

BARCC offers a variety of services for survivors of sexual violence based on volunteer programs. Volunteers must dedicate extensive time: They participate in a 40-hour training program, bi-weekly meetings and weekly shifts.

‘It’s a 24-hour crisis hotline that anyone can call for issues related to sexual violence,’ Dottor said.

Regardless of the influx, BARCC has an extensive system in place to ensure every call is answered. If a hotline counselor isn’t available, the call is transferred to other staff members. Northeastern actively encourages students to utilize BARCC’s services. On the bottom of many university flyers related to Title IX posted bathrooms and hallways, the BARCC hotline number is listed.

‘BARCC will always have time for you,’ Dottor said. ‘We’re meant for you. Every call gets covered.'”

Read the full article here.

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