1. Define key political processes, actors and institutions, as well as major theories, related to American government and politics, comparative politics, and international relations
2. Articulate the role of political philosophy in shaping government and politics
3. Synthesize, analyze, and critically evaluate major arguments in the study of political science and in contemporary debates involving government and politics
4. Develop research designs and apply rigorous analytic methods, including quantitative and qualitative approaches, to the study of political science
5. Apply and integrate personal experience in government, politics, or related activities with the study of political science
6. Communicate effectively in written and oral formats relevant to the field of political science
Type of Program
- Undergraduate Program
Major Requirements
Combined Major Requirements
- Computer Science and Political Science, BS
- Criminal Justice and Political Science, BS
- Mathematics and Political Science, BS
- Political Science and Business Administration, BS
- Political Science and Communication Studies, BS
- Political Science and Economics, BS
- Political Science and Human Services, BS
- Political Science and Philosophy, BS