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Navigating a New Political Landscape: View real-time updates about the impact of and Northeastern's response to recent political changes.

Vijayeta Singh

PhD in Law and Public Policy

Vijayeta is a PhD candidate in Law and Public Policy in the School of Public Policy and Urban Affairs. Her dissertation is focused on the ‘Politics of Dispossession’, particularly those accompanied by land grabs for coal mining. She is studying the role of agrarian structures, political histories, caste and class differences in shaping of the outcomes of ‘Land Acquisition’ for coal mining across different sections of project affected populations in rural India. She is doing a mixed methods case study of a coal-power project in India. She has administered a questionnaire survey at the household level in multiple villages in the state of Jharkhand to understand public opinion towards land acquisition for coal mining.

Additionally, she has conducted in-depth qualitative interviews of three main stakeholder groups of coal mining projects- the project affected populations, the project developer and the government(s) in questions. Her goal is to record and understand issues in implementation of large projects requiring large tracts of agricultural land in rural India.Vijayeta has over three years of hands on experience working at the grassroots level and creating social impact in India. She has worked with several international development organization that are leaders in their field and successfully demonstrated her ability to create social impact across cultures and geographies. In her independent work, she has built international collaborations connecting US universities with social impact organizations in India. Vijayeta holds a bachelor’s degree in Business from Jaipuria Institute of Management and a master’s degree in Social Entrepreneurship from Tata Institute of Social Sciences.

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