Sample Syllabi
Below are links to sample syllabi from a selection of WGSS courses that have previously been taught at Northeastern. The content and structure of these courses in future terms is subject to change.
- WMNS 1101/SOCL 1102 Sex, Gender, and Pop Culture
- WMNS 1103 Intro to WGSS
- WMNS/AFAM/HIST 1225 Gender, Race, and Medicine
- WMNS/HIST/SOCL 2303 Gender and Reproductive Justice
- WMNS/HIST 2373 Gender and Sexuality in World History
- WMNS/AFAM/ENGL 2455 American Women Writers
- WMNS/MSCR 2505 Digital Feminisms
- WMNS/PHIL/SOCL 3100 Gender, Social Justice, and Transnational Activism
- WMNS/PHIL/POLS 3500 Sexuality, Gender, and the Law
- WMNS 6100 Theorizing Gender and Sexuality
- WMNS/SOCL 7100 Queer Theory